May 16, 2016
Think of us as the coffee equivalent to John West. It’s the coffee that Coffee Capsules 2U rejects that propels the quality of our capsules above and beyond that of our competitors. This is because all of the coffee that eventually ends up in our capsules has been painstakingly selected to increase the cup experience of the final product that is delivered by your Nespresso® machine.
Most companies that produce coffee capsules are first and foremost wholesalers of ground or whole bean coffee. This means their capsules are almost an afterthought where their core product is repurposed to fit their capsules, with taste irrelevant to the final product. Producing the best cup experience from a capsule involves a lot more than just roasting and packing. It requires a unique set of steps that go beyond just simply roasting because the extraction of coffee from a coffee capsule is different to most other brewing methods.
Being a coffee company that exclusively deals in coffee capsules, Coffee Capsules 2U only procure green beans of the highest quality that we know taste great when extracted from a coffee capsule. These green beans have been sourced from regions all around the world, with varied characteristics that when blended together, produce coffee that is exceptional.
Some of these regions include:
The Ethiopian coffee beans used in Coffee Capsules 2U capsules are grown predominately on small farms in the high altitude northeastern parts of the country. When roasted, these beans often have a mild, fruitlike acidity, which are incredibly aromatic. Coffee is selected from this region to capture and accentuate the fine aromatics in the crema.
With a fuller body that possesses a prominent acidity, we use Nicaraguan coffee in our roasts as its characteristics are perfect for blending and producing dark roasts that are essential to coffee extracted through a capsule. The beans provide rich yet mild flavours that are sweet and balanced, with a nutty fruitiness to finish.
Indian Robusta
This Robusta bean is known as one of the world’s best coffees. It provides a delicate finish that is not overpowering and it supports and compliments our stronger roasts providing balance that offsets the other beans in our blends. Indian Robusta produces a tantalizing aroma that is packed with a truly fantastic flavour that is smooth and clean, but fierce in taste.
Of all the coffees grown in Brazil, the Santos region produces the most prominent beans for specialty coffee. The Arabica coffee plants that produce this coffee came from the rich volcanic soils of the island of Bourbon, now called the Island of Reunion. Brazilian Santos is a light bodied coffee, with low acidity, a pleasing aroma and a mild, smooth flavor. Brazilian Santos Bourbon is dry-processed (dried inside the fruit) which is why some of the sweetness of the fruit carries into the cup.
When roasted and blended together, these beans provide the basis for truly idyllic blends that are the foundation of Coffee Capsules 2U. Though our prices are more than half the price of our competitors, we believe our coffee selections are twice the quality.
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