Intensity Guide

Intensity Guide

Coffee Capsules 2U only procure green beans of the highest quality that we know taste great when extracted from a coffee capsule. These green beans have been sourced from regions all around the world, with varied characteristics that when blended together, produce coffee that is truly exceptional. 

In order to remove confusion, we’ve made it simple for you to choose which coffee you’re most likely to be suited to. All of our blends are characterised by their intensity. Love it strong? Our Blend 9 will be right up your alley. Like your coffee at little more mellow? Blend 4, with its fruity, palate-pleasing notes will hit the spot perfectly.

Cup Sizes 

There are few more consumer goods where everyone feels they’re experts than coffee. When it comes to coffee, everyone is a connoisseur. And do you want to know a secret? Everyone is. Coffee tastes are completely subjective and the way you prefer to drink your coffee is the way coffee is suppose to be drunk. 

With that said, there are few general guidelines our award-winning roaster swears by if you’re looking for some assistance.


Traditionally, an espresso is a 30ml shot of coffee that is brewed by forcing a small amount of nearly boiling water under pressure through finely ground coffee beans. When producing an espresso brewed from a Nespresso machine, the smaller quantity of coffee in your capsule as opposed to the bigger basket in a portafilter means you should pour slightly less water for optimal results. 

What the roaster says: 

All of our blends have been roasted to produce delicious espressos, each with unique characteristics and varying intensities. Taste the soft, floral notes in Blend 4, the chocolately flavour in Blend 5, the earthy, spicy notes in Blend 7 and the powerful, creamy finish of Blend 9. 30ml produces perfect coffee using Coffee Capsules 2U pods.

Lungo (Larger coffee) 

If you’re not content with 30ml of our liquid gold, perhaps a taller, longer shot of coffee is in order. Lungo’s are brewed by letting more water penetrate through the coffee capsule and are ideal for a long black, or your favourite milk based coffee.

What the roaster says:

Choosing a stronger, more robust blend is key to getting the best out of a longer pour coffee, whatever you’re trying to achieve. Be it a straightforward Americano, cappuccino, latte or flat white, choose Blends 5 or over to maximise the taste and ensure the coffee cuts-through the milk.

Flavoured Coffee 

While our range of coffee capsules doesn’t currently include flavoured coffee, our roaster is working on perfecting several flavours, which we will bring to market in the coming months.

What the roaster says: 

Watch this space.

Still not sure where to start, here it from the roaster himself:



Intensity Level (Scale of 1 to 10)





South and Central America


Full-bodied, Powerful and Creamy

Ideal for:

Espresso, Long Black, Cappuccino, Flat White



South and Central America

Earthy, Intense and Spicey

Ideal for:

Espresso, Long Black, Cappuccino, Flat White



100% Arabica beans from Light roasted South and Central America.

Smooth, Balanced and Chocolatey

Ideal for:

Espresso, Cappuccino



100% Arabica beans from South and Central America

Distinct hint of roasted caramel

Ideal for:

Espresso, Cappuccino